Links for Free Sewing Patterns for Babies

Ever since I have made the decision to try to get pregnant again after my 15 year break since the birth of my last child, I have become obsessed with all things baby in a way that I never thought I would.  I thought because I am older that I would be a lot more….well….Zen I guess, about the whole thing but……Nope!

I love to sew.  Theres something so great about making something useful from scratch.  Something you can say “I made that” to friends and family.  So long story short, I have been on the lookout for free online sewing patterns.  Mainly simple things such as nappy covers, bibs, teeny tiny shoes and hats etc.

Below is a list of websites and blog addresses that I have come across that has some really cute things to make.  I do have to say that I haven’t yet made any of these items (it’s near the top of my to-do list, I swear) but they look really cute and I’d really love to hear from anyone who knows of any great websites and blogs that has other great patterns that we all might be interested in. Please feel free to post suggestions, I would love to check them out.

free patterns


I hope there is something there that interests some of you.  I will add to this list if I find anything that interests me.

Happy sewing!

P.S. I am not affiliated with any of these sites but don’t forget to show some love to the hosts if you use their patterns.  After all, it’s only fair ❤